Real Estate Podcast

Real Estate Training and Education at Every Event

Welcome to the Latinos In Real Estate Investing Podcast, the top hub for Real Estate Investors and entrepreneurs within the Latino community. Join us on our journey as the host Martin Perdomo “The Elite Strategist” talks about how ordinary people can become extraordinary with the power of Real Estate Investing. Here he shares his expert knowledge on how to create wealth through Real Estate, the mindset required to become a millionaire, and what it takes to master the craft. The Elite Strategist gives you the facts about the Real estate Investing industry and he shares all the wisdom he has amassed by being a leading investor in Easter Pennsylvania. Along the journey, he has met some incredible people from all over the country, and he features them as guests for you to learn from and take notes. If you’re looking for a “get rich quick” this podcast is not for you. Real Estate is a get rich for sure not a get rich quick deal. Martin will share strategies on how to close deals, negotiate, and navigate the world of Real Estate Investing. Real advice for real people. Whether you’re a beginner in Real Estate or a fellow industry leader, Latinos in Real Estate Investing is the podcast for you.




Imagine walking away from a high-flying corporate career and plunging into the world of real estate investing. That’s the daring journey our guest, former corporate pilot turned real estate mogul, Bill Ham embarked on.

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Ready for an unexpected economic roller-coaster ride? Brace yourselves as we navigate the peculiar landscape of the current housing market, and get an insider’s perspective on how a government shutdown could shake the very pillars of the real estate industry.

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Ever felt like you’re stuck in a rut, unable to break free from the constraints holding you back? Join us as we converse with Pete Taylor, a growth coach and former pro athlete turned serial entrepreneur.

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Ever dreamed of putting your needs first without the guilt? Brace yourself as we pull you into a thought-provoking conversation about the concept of healthy selfishness; a key player in personal well-being that often gets overlooked.

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Navigating the turbulent waters of the business world, we dive headfirst into the impending threat of a US government shutdown.

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Episode #293

Episode #293

Ready to master the art of leveraging technology in your real estate journey? Get a front-row seat to the insightful experiences of Ryan Hartman, a real estate and marketing automation trailblazer.

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Episode #292

Episode #292

Are you ready to face the storm? The housing market is changing, and we’re here to help you navigate the turbulence. This week, we examine the surprising fact that despite no interest rate hike, mortgage rates have hit a record high.

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Episode #291

Episode #291

Are you seeking to break free from the corporate chains? Find inspiration from our guest Parker Harris, a self-made entrepreneur who transitioned from a Fortune 100 company to creating a mastermind model that blossomed into Junto Global, a network connecting thousands of entrepreneurs.

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Episode #290

Episode #290

Picture this: you’ve been watching the Pocono real estate market closely, but the skyrocketing 30-year mortgage rate, which is on the brink of a 7% two-decade peak, has you questioning your next steps.

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“Best Real Estate meet-up I have ever attended. I have been to many in the try state area”

– Daniela Reynoso

Latinos In Real Estate Investing Podcast

Many people dream of being an entrepreneur, without ever knowing what that means or what it truly takes to become successful.